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Monthly weather, degree day, solar energy and wind energy statistics and solar power statistics for Finland

Finland monthly solar energy plot, Finland monthly wind energy plot, Finland monthly heating degree day plot and Finland monthly cooling degree day plot
Figure 3.1 Finland average monthly percentage of solar and wind energy // heating degree and cooling degree days.

Finland yearly solar energy plot, Finland yearly wind energy plot, Finland yearly heating degree days plot and Finland yearly  cooling degree days plot
Figure 3.2 Finland yearly solar energy, wind energy, heating degree day and cooling degree day plots.

Finland monthly solar energy plot, Finland monthly wind energy plot, Finland monthly heating degree day plot and Finland monthly cooling degree day plot
Figure 3.3 Finland monthly solar energy, wind energy, heating day and cooling degree day plots.

Finland average yearly temperature plot and monthly temperature plot
Figure 3.4 Finland average yearly and monthly temperature plots.

Finland yearly onshore and offshore wind energy plot
Figure 3.5 Finland yearly onshore wind energy and offshore wind energy plot; as deployed in 2016.

Acknowledgement: many thanks to the Renewables.ninja team for open access to the v1.1 data-set of Europe, covering 1980-2016 data for weather, solar and wind on a country basis. Website: www.renewables.ninja. Version 1.1 of the original data-set is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. In this work, hourly data is post-processing into yearly, monthly and daily statistics - and visualized using boxplots.


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Staffell, Iain and Pfenninger, Stefan (2016). Using Bias-Corrected Reanalysis to Simulate Current and Future Wind Power Output. Energy 114, pp. 1224-1239.
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CM-SAF SARAH dataset.

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