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summary energy [kWh/d/p] energy [%] energy [TWh] renewables and biofuels

This page shows the energy use for Greece, using 0.17 percent of world gross inland consumption for 10.7 million inhabitants in 2018. Energy is typically specified in Million metric Ton of Oil Equivalent [Mtoe] for large quantities. This work prefers to use TeraWatt-hours (TWh) instead, which is obtained by multiplying the a value expressed in Mtoe with a factor 11.63 . To allow an easy comparison between countries, we normalize the TWh value to kiloWatt-hour per day (kWh/d/p) per person. Day to day energy production or consumption can fluctuate from a kWh/d/p value, for example space heating consumes more energy in the winter season.

These values are summarized in table 0.1 . The first two columns show the gross inland energy consumption and gross renewable and biofuel consumptions. We do so since some renewable and biofuel sources are converted to electricity for final energy consumption. The third column shows the total final energy consumption of Greece. The fourth column shows the electricity consumption, which is a part of the final energy consumption.

The main data source for this page are the Eurostat energy balances, edition January 2020. A
population plot of Greece and a list of data source references are available below.

Table 0.1 Energy summary for Greece in 2018.
Gross inland consumptionGross renewable and biofuel consumptionFinal energy consumptionElectricity consumption
23.8 Mtoe3.14 Mtoe15.2 Mtoe4.25 Mtoe
277 TWh36.5 TWh176 TWh49.5 TWh
70.7 kWh/d/p9.32 kWh/d/p45.0 kWh/d/p12.6 kWh/d/p
100 % (gross)13.2 % (gross)63.7 % (gross)17.9 % (gross)
157 % (final)20.7 % (final)100 % (final)28.0 % (final)
Gross inland energy consumption in 2018 for Greece
Figure 0.1 Greece yearly gross inland energy consumption, split according to fuel type.
monthly average percentage of solar PV, heating and cooling degree days for Athens in Greece
Figure 0.2 Monthly average percentage of solar photovoltaics, heating and cooling degree days for Athens in Greece.
Energy balance summary, using kWh/d/p to express energy consumption
normalized final energy in kWh/d/p for Greece
Figure 1.1 Yearly final energy consumption in kWh/d/p for Greece.

Table 1.1 Final energy consumption in kWh/d/p for Greece in 2018.
Greece 2018 [kWh/d/p]TotalElectricityOil and petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fossil fuelsRenewables and biofuelsNon-renewable wasteHeat
Gross inland consumption70.7
Final energy consumption45.0
  + Industry sector  8.14
  + Transport sector  17.5
  + Other sectors  19.3
    ++ Services    6.22
    ++ Households    11.6
    ++ Agri/forest    0.78
    ++ Fishing    0.044
Energy balance summary, using percent to express energy consumption.
final energy in percent for Greece
Figure 1.2 Yearly final energy consumption in percent for Greece.

Table 1.2 Final energy consumption in percent for Greece in 2018.
Greece 2018 [percent]TotalElectricityOil and petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fossil fuelsRenewables and biofuelsNon-renewable wasteHeat
Gross inland consumption157%
Final energy consumption100%
  + Industry sector  18.1%
  + Transport sector  38.9%
  + Other sectors  43.0%
    ++ Services    13.8%
    ++ Households    25.8%
    ++ Agri/forest    1.74%
    ++ Fishing    0.098%
Energy balance summary, using TWh to express energy consumption
final energy in TWh for Greece
Figure 1.3 Yearly final energy consumption in TWh for Greece.

Table 1.3 Final energy consumption in TWh for Greece in 2018.
Greece 2018 [TWh]TotalElectricityOil and petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fossil fuelsRenewables and biofuelsNon-renewable wasteHeat
Gross inland consumption277
Final energy consumption176
  + Industry sector  31.9
  + Transport sector  68.7
  + Other sectors  75.8
    ++ Services    24.4
    ++ Households    45.6
    ++ Agri/forest    3.07
    ++ Fishing    0.17
Renewables and biofuel gross inland energy consumption
gross inland consumption of renewables and biofuels for Greece
Figure 1.4 Yearly gross inland consumption of renewables and biofuels for Greece.

Table 1.4 Gross inland consumtion of renewables and biofuels for Greece in 2018.
Greece 2018 renewables and biofuels[percent (gross)][percent (final)][kWh/d/p][percent][TWh]
Gross inland consumption100% (gross)157% (final)70.7758%277
Renewables and biofuels - gross inland consumption13.2% (gross)20.7% (final)9.32100%36.5
  Hydro (11.6% of electricity)  2.07% (gross)  3.26% (final)  1.46  15.7%  5.74
  Tide, wave, ocean (0.0% of electricity)  0.0% (gross)  0.0% (final)  0.0  0.0%  0.0
  Wind (12.7% of electricity)  2.27% (gross)  3.57% (final)  1.61  17.2%  6.3
  Solar photovoltaic (7.66% of electricity)  1.37% (gross)  2.15% (final)  0.97  10.4%  3.79
  Solar thermal  1.16% (gross)  1.83% (final)  0.82  8.83%  3.22
  Geothermal  0.037% (gross)  0.058% (final)  0.026  0.28%  0.1
  Primary solid biofuels  3.5% (gross)  5.5% (final)  2.47  26.6%  9.7
  Charcoal  0.23% (gross)  0.37% (final)  0.16  1.77%  0.65
  Biogases  0.47% (gross)  0.74% (final)  0.33  3.59%  1.31
  Renewable municipal waste  0.0% (gross)  0.0% (final)  0.0  0.0%  0.0
  Pure biogasoline  0.0% (gross)  0.0% (final)  0.0  0.0%  0.0
  Blended biogasoline  0.0% (gross)  0.0% (final)  0.0  0.0%  0.0
  Pure biodiesels  0.73% (gross)  1.14% (final)  0.51  5.5%  2.01
  Blended biodiesels  -0.023% (gross)  -0.036% (final)  -0.016  -0.18%  -0.064
  Pure bio jet kerosene  0.0% (gross)  0.0% (final)  0.0  0.0%  0.0
  Blended bio jet kerosene  0.0% (gross)  0.0% (final)  0.0  0.0%  0.0
  Other liquid biofuels  0.0% (gross)  0.0% (final)  0.0  0.0%  0.0
  Ambient heat (heat pumps)  1.36% (gross)  2.13% (final)  0.96  10.3%  3.77
Population trend
Population trend of Greece
Figure 2.1 Population trend for Greece.

Acknowledgement: We would like to express our gratitude to Eurostat, part of the European Commission, for allowing free re-use of energy balances and related data. Website: ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/energy.

Disclaimer: This work provides a summary of the original data, converting ktoe (kilo ton oil equivalent) values to other energy units such as relative percentages, TWh (TeraWatt-hours) and normalized kWh/d/p (kiloWatt-hours per day per person) values. Values are rounded to 3 significant digits. Eurostat is not responsible for data conversion or rounding errors in doing so.

Other visualizations: Since 2022 Eurostat provides a set of interactive visualization tools for energy at ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/energy/visualisations. For energy balances Total energy supply is used there, which is equivalent to the Gross inland consumption minus the energy of international aviation.


Eurostat yearly energy balances. This work uses edition June 2020 (up to year 2018). The energy data is converted to TWh (terra Watt-hour) and derived units.
Energy balance guide - new methodology. Explain the use(fulness) of energy balances, as well as how they are constructed.
EU energy in figures, Statistical pocketbook 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-08818-9. Visualizes energy statistics up to 2017. The glossary in appendix 7 explains energy terminology.
The number of persons having their usual residence in a country on 1 January of a given year.
PVGIS 5 post processed data plots for Athens -- Additionally, Renewables.ninja post processed data plots for Greece can be found at energy.at-site.be/ninja/EU/Greece .

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