Homepage Wind model issues | v1.3 | May 18th 2020
Wind energy model limitations
The PVGIS version 5.1 models provide data for photovoltaic energy and weather conditions. This version fixes several issues of the previous version. On this website a simple wind model is used to obtain wind power statistics as well. It using resampled wind speed data at a height of 10 meter - and this puts some limitations on obtained accuracy. The wind model takes into account elevation, rotor height and temperature, and the corresponding wind curve is shown in the stats/wind model menu for each location. Since the wind data is evaluated for a single location only, more optimal sites with higher wind speeds may exist nearby. Also different classes of windmills exist, tuned for higher or lower wind speed profiles - and such a tuning is not done. Hence, we recommend using the obtained PVGIS wind power statistics only to get a crude indication of wind power potential. Alternatively, a wider set of wind turbines is supported on www.renewables.ninja with open data available for a wider set of locations world wide.
Wind data artifacts/bias

Several issues are known for the ERA-interim data set, which is used for wind speed at a height of 10 meter in PVGIS release 5.1. These are summarized on following web-page: confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/ERA-Interim+known+issues. Since ERA-interim works with a grid, we see wind artifacts, especially in coastal areas. The next table compares a few locations with clear artifacts between PVGIS and Renewables.ninja:

PVGIS location Renewables.ninja country PVGIS/ERA-interim wind artifact
Lisbon, Portugal Portugal elevated wind speed 2005-2009
Athens, Greece Greece elevated wind speed 2005-2009
Copenhagen, Denmark Denmark elevated wind speed
Hence we recommend to use PVGIS post-processed wind data as an indicator only, and consult/use Renewables.ninja post-processed wind data when more detail is needed, and/or www.renewables.ninja for world wide wind power coverage.
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